1. Under °CRYO Friends and Family Referral Program, customer of °CRYO Health LLC who will visit any °CRYO branch in the Kuwait together with a friend/family member will be entitled for a complimentary single Wellness/Fitness treatment (reward) if friend/family member will make a purchase of any single treatment, package or membership.
2. By participating in this Program, the Referrer agrees to these terms and conditions.
3. To qualify for the Program, the referred customer should be a new customer to °CRYO (should not have done any treatments previously by °CRYO Health LLC). Program is applicable only for new clients and any referrals made in retrospect will not be rewarded under this Program. Referrals should be shared with personal connections.
4. The customer who makes a successful referral must be an existing °CRYO client (should have done any treatments previously by °CRYO Kuwait).
5. The first purchase done by a friend/family member should be for any °CRYO treatment for standard price (as per °CRYO menu) with added one-time discount of total KW 100. No other promotions or additional discounts can be applied at the same time.
6. Complimentary °CRYO session can be availed from the Wellness/ Fitness treatment as per the °CRYO menu.
7. Complimentary Wellness/Fitness service is valid for three months from the date of friend/family first visit. This session is added under account of referral and activated on the same day.
8. There is no limit on the maximum number of successful referrals. However, °CRYO reserves the right to accept or reject any referrals we think are untoward or outside the terms and conditions of this Program.
9. Program is valid until further notice and is available only within the Kuwait.
10. Program terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without prior notice. °CRYO can cancel the Program at our discretion and without incurring liability as a result.